Alphabetical Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Abercrombie, Joe
- The Blade Itself (8/10)
- Before They Are Hanged (9/10)
- Last Argument of Kings (9½/10)
- Best Served Cold (9½/10)
- Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice (9/10)
- Bakker, R Scott:
- The Darkness that Comes Before (8/10)
- The Warrior-Prophet (9/10)
- The Thousandfold Thought (8/10)
- Banks, Iain (M):
- Canal Dreams (7/10)
- Inversions (8/10)
- The Steep Approach to Garbadale (6½/10)
- Matter (8½/10)
- Barker, Clive - Abarat (3/10)
- Baxter, Stephen - Flood (6½/10)
- Bazell, Josh - Beat the Reaper (9/10)
- Blais, Bill - Witness (7/10)
- Blyton, Enid - The Famous Five series (4/10)
- Bradbury, Ray - Something Wicked This Way Comes (8/10)
- Brent-Dyer, Elinor M - The Chalet School series (3/10)
- Brookmyre, Christopher
- Be My Enemy (9/10)
- A Tale Etched in Blood and Hard Black Pencil (9/10)
- Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks (8½/10)
- Snowball in Hell (8/10)
- Buck, Daniel Scott - The Greatest Show On Earth (6/10)
- Bunch, Chris - Dragon Master Trilogy (8/10)
- Campbell, Alan:
- Scar Night (9/10)
- Iron Angel (7½/10)
- Canavan, Trudi - The Magicians' Guild (2/10)
- Cashore, Kristin - Graceling (7/10)
- Chadbourn, Mark - Jack of Ravens (3/10)
- Child, Lee - Killing Floor (6½/10)
- Cooper, Susan - The Dark Is Rising Sequence (9/10)
- Cornish, DM - Foundling (Monster Blood Tattoo trilogy) (8½/10)
- Dahlquist, GW - The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters (7/10)
- Danielewski, Mark Z - House of Leaves (6/10)
- Deas, Stephen - The Adamantine Palace (8/10)
- Defoe, Gideon - The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists (8/10)
- Devereux, David - Hunter's Moon (6/10)
- Doctorow, Cory - Little Brother (7/10)
- Donaldson, Stephen - The Gap Series (9/10)
- Duncan, Hal:
- Easson, Shayne - The Wrath of Zar (4/10)
- Erikson, Steven:
- The Malazan Book of the Fallen (10/10)
- Reaper's Gale (8/10)
- Toll the Hounds (9/10)
- Esslemont, Ian Cameron - Night of Knives (4/10)
- Fforde, Jasper:
- The Big Over Easy (7/10)
- The Fourth Bear (9/10)
- Ford, John M
- The Last Hot Time (7/10)
- The Dragon Waiting (8/10)
- Friedman, Celia - Feast of Souls (6½/10)
- Fraser, George Macdonald - The Reavers (8½/10)
- Gaiman, Neil:
- Anansi Boys (8/10)
- Coraline (8/10)
- Gardner, Craig Shaw - The Arabian Nights trilogy (8½/10)
- Gentle, Mary - Grunts (1/10)
- Gilson, P D - Gaea: Beyond the Son (4/10)
- Golding, William - Lord of the Flies (7/10)
- Goodkind, Terry:
- Stone of Tears (2/10)
- Soul of the Fire (1/10)
- Grant, Rob - Incompetence (6/10)
- Grimwood, Jon Courtenay - 9tail Fox (7/10)
- Grossman, Austin - Soon I Will Be Invincible (9½/10)
- Harkaway, Nick - The Gone-Away World (9/10)
- Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J - Prelude to Dune: House Atreides/House Harkonnen (1/10)
- Hiaasen, Carl - Tourist Season (6/10)
- Higson, Charles:
- King of the Ants (5/10)
- Getting Rid of Mister Kitchen (2/10)
- Hornby, Nick - High Fidelity (8/10)
- Kerr, Katherine:
- The Deverry Sequence (7/10)
- The Spirit Stone (8/10)
- King, Stephen - It (8½/10)
- Knight, Damon - Humpty Dumpty: An Oval (4/10)
- LaHaye, Tim & Jenkins, Jerry B - Left Behind (1/10)
- Lewycka, Marina - A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian (6/10)
- Lock, Bob - Flames of Herakleitos (3/10)
- Lynch, Scott:
- The Lies of Locke Lamora (9/10)
- Red Seas Under Red Skies (9/10)
- Maguire, Gregory - Mirror Mirror (4/10)
- Mantel, Hilary - Beyond Black (8/10)
- Mark, Jan:
- Divide and Rule (10/10)
- Enough is Too Much Already (9½/10)
- The Ennead (9/10)
- Marshall Smith, Michael - Spares (7/10)
- McAuley, Paul - Cowboy Angels (7/10)
- McCammon, Robert (R):
- Gone South (8/10)
- Speaks the Nightbird (8/10)
- The Queen of Bedlam (8/10)
- McCrumb, Sharyn - Bimbos of the Death Sun (7/10)
- McDonald, Ian - Brasyl (6/10)
- McKinley, Robin - Dragonhaven (6/10)
- Milway, Alex - The Mousehunter (7/10)
- Morgan, Richard:
- Altered Carbon (8/10)
- Black Man (9/10)
- The Steel Remains (9/10)
- Novik, Naomi
- Temeraire (8/10)
- Throne of Jade (6/10)
- Black Powder War (7½/10)
- Empire of Ivory (7/10)
- Ó Guilín, Peadar - The Inferior (7/10)
- O'Mahony, Daniel - Faction Paradox: Newton's Sleep (9½/10)
- Peters, Elizabeth - The Curse of the Pharoahs (6/10)
- Powers, Tim:
- On Stranger Tides (9/10)
- The Anubis Gates (8½/10)
- Pratchett, Terry:
- Soul Music (6½/10)
- Night Watch (9/10)
- Wintersmith (7/10)
- Going Postal (7/10)
- Making Money (6/10)
- Priest, Christopher - The Separation (9/10)
- Redick, Robert V S - The Red Wolf Conspiracy (7/10)
- Reynolds, Alistair:
- Revelation Space (8/10)
- Redemption Ark (6/10)
- Absolution Gap (4/10)
- The Prefect (7/10)
- Robbins, Tom
- Even Cowgirls Get The Blues (7/10)
- Jitterbug Perfume (8/10)
- Roberts, A R R R - The Sellamillion (6½/10)
- Robson, Justina - Quantum Gravity series (4/10)
- Rothfuss, Patrick - The Name of the Wind (7½/10)
- Ruckley, Brian - Winterbirth (8½/10)
- Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Alien Influences (4/10)
- Sanderson, Brandon - Mistborn: The Final Empire (8/10)
- Schwartz, David J - Super Powers (8½/10)
- Simak, Clifford D - All Flesh Is Grass (4/10)
- Simmons, Dan
- The Hyperion Cantos (6-10/10)
- Ilium (1/10)
- Straub, Peter - Ghost Story (7/10)
- Swanwick, Michael - The Iron Dragon's Daughter (8/10)
- Sutcliffe, William - Are You Experienced? (8/10)
- Tann, Sharla - Crack of Death (?/10)
- Taylor, Laini - Dreamdark series (8½/10)
- Valente, Catherynne M - The Orphan's Tales Duology (9½/10)
- Vance, Jack - The Lyonesse Trilogy (9½/10)
- Weisberger, Lauren - The Devil Wears Prada (6/10)
- Williams, David J - The Mirrored Heavens (8/10)
- Williams, Liz - Empire of Bones (6/10)
- Williams, Tad:
- Otherland (5/10)
- Otherland 2 - River of Blue Fire (4/10)
- Williams, Walter Jon:
- Knight Moves (6/10)
- The Praxis (6/10)
- The Sundering (8/10)
- Conventions of War (7/10)
- Wolfe, Gene:
- The Shadow of the Torturer (6/10)
- The Claw of the Conciliator (5/10)
- Wooding, Chris - Retribution Falls (5/10)
- Wyndham, John - The Day of the Triffids (10/10)
- Wynne Jones, Diana - The Tough Guide to Fantasyland (7½/10)
Anthologies & Short Stories
- Chiang, Ted - Stories of Your Life and Others (10/10)
- Ford, Jeffrey - The Empire of Ice Cream (8/10)
- Frost, Polly - Deep Inside (7/10)
- Lanagan, Margo:
- Singing My Sister Down (10/10)
- White Time/Black Juice (8/10)
- Theis, Jim - The Eye of Argon (-)
- Glorifying Terrorism - Mendelson, Farah (Ed) (8½/10)
- The Mammoth Book of Best New Sf 21 - Dozois, Gardner (Ed) (9/10)
- The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, Thirteenth Edition - Datlow, Ellen & Windling, Terri (eds) (7/10)
- The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, Nineteenth Edition - Datlow, Ellen et al (eds) (6/10)
- Villains Victorious - Greenberg, Martin H & Helfer, John (eds) (6/10)
- Writers of the Future XXIII (-/10)
- Attenborough, David - Life on Air (9/10)
- Brown, Derren - Tricks of the Mind (8/10)
- Cameron, Deborah - The Myth of Mars and Venus (9/10)
- Cohen, Nick - What's Left? How Liberals Lost Their Way (9½/10)
- Dawkins, Richard:
- The God Delusion (8/10)
- The Ancestor's Tale (8½/10)
- Dibell, Ansen - Plot (9/10)
- Duignan, John - The Complex: An Insider Exposes the Covert World of Scientology (8/10)
- Fleming, Peter - News from Tartary (9/10)
- Fraser, Antonia - Mary Queen of Scots (7/10)
- Fry, Stephen et al - The Book of General Ignorance (8/10)
- Haffner, Sebastian - Defying Hitler (9½/10)
- Hardwidge, Ben - Digital Hotrods (?/10)
- Harris, Sam - The End of Faith (5/10)
- Hawks, Tony - Playing the Moldovans at Tennis (7/10)
- Humphrys, John - Devil's Advocate (8/10)
- Lenaire, Gary - An Infidel Manifesto (5/10)
- Lovell, Mary S - Bess of Hardwick (7/10)
- McGregor, Ewan & Boorman, Charley - Long Way Round (7/10)
- Parody, A. - Eats, Shites and Leaves (1/10)
- Rateliff, John D - Mr Baggins: The History of the Hobbit (Part 1) (5/10)
- Pirsig, Robert M - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (8/10)
- Richards, Ed et al - Communications: The Next Decade (6/10)
- Richardson, Nigel - Breakfast in Brighton (6/10)
- Somerset-Webb, Merryn - Love is Not Enough: The Smart Woman's Guide to Making (and Keeping) Money (9/10)
- Starkey, David - Monarchy (8½/10)
- Tolkien, Christopher - The History of the Lord of the Rings (8/10)
- Warner, Marina - From the Beast to the Blonde (5/10)