Singing My Sister Down - Margo Lanagan
I came across this story via the Speculative Reviews blog (see link in sidebar) - it was nominated for a Hugo but unfortunately didn't win. I don't know what the winning entry was like but I truly hope it was fantastic, because to have this story beaten by anything less would be a travesty. I include the link here because this dark and beautiful little piece deserves to be read by everyone.

Better grab a pint of bitter to cry into, because the story that beat Singing My Sister Down was not that good.
We drank heavily that night back at our Con suite. For Lanagan, for Martin, and for BSG. This years Hugos were a farce.
Oh, that's a damn shame. The Con is a strange beast, and sadly not immune to internal politics. Well, Lanagan doesn't need a Hugo to have gained me as a fan; I will certainly be seeking out anything else she decides to publish.
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