Some (very) short reviews in a desperate attempt to catch up...
The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters - G W Dahlquist
A sort-of alternate 19th Century setting, in an unspecified North European country. The disappointingly literal Glass Books of the title are some dastardly new science, developed by a secret cadre of villains; story is from the viewpoint of three accidental protagonists (hitman, debutante, doctor) who get caught up in the plot, and decide to take down the bad guys. There follows some convoluted political machinations, chases across rooftops, rapier fights and a bit of mild and decorous porn; there are also airships, steam trains, underworld skulduggery and the sort of made-up science that would make even Enid Blyton blush. Good pace, confused ending.
Iron Angel - Alan Campbell
Two-stranded story in the aftermath of Scar Night - one strand set in the surreal world of Hell, the other set amid the wreckage of Deepgate and beyond; the two don't really meet up till the end so structurally a bit disjointed. Much more fleshing-out of the world's pantheon and the infighting between the gods, which ironically helps to explain the Scar Night backstory a bit better (and connects rather nicely with Lye Street too). Some more great settings, including the distinctly nasty Cinderbark Wood and a very funny/sinister scene where Dill is chased by a malevolent doorway. A bit patchier than the previous book but looking forward to part 3...
Snowball In Hell - Christopher Brookmyre
Self-aggrandising professional terrorist Simon Darcourt is back (yeah, we knew he wasn't dead) and he's throwing a going-away party, involving, um, celebrities. Angel X, now working in the soul-destroying counter-terrorism business, has a more personal stake than usual in wanting to take him down, and is forced to call in help from her contacts in the magic biz. Its as fun and tightly-plotted as you'd expect from Brookmyre, Darcourt's first-person sections are entertainingly egotistical, and it's great to see Angelique back with Zal, but the addition of celebrities to the mix can make anything look slightly tacky and cheap, no matter how well it fits with the story. Still good but not one of his best.
The History of The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit - Christopher Tolkien & John D Rateliff
Five books here - four covering LotR (by CT) and one covering the first half of The Hobbit (by JDR). Christopher Tolkien's ones were much more interesting, firstly because the story of LotR's inception is rather more involved and tortuous than that of The Hobbit (for example, Aragorn was a hobbit called Trotter for much of the first draft) but also because there is a whole lot more material to draw from than Rateliff was able to dredge up. Rateliff's book goes into much more detail than Tolkien's, and much of it is dull (the exact typos and their corrections throughout the various drafts), speculative (for example, trying to guess which myths inspired the idea of an invisibility ring, with a lengthy list of all possible magic rings or other invisibility artefacts) or just unnecessary - do we really need definitions of words like "bracken" or "tuppence"? CT's books recommended for anyone with an interest in how LotR came to be, or indeed any writer wanting to see the growth of a classic; JDR's for obsessives only.
The History of Lord of the Rings: 8/10
Mr Baggins: 5/10
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I really liked The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters by G W Dahlquist.
Just for your information. There is a sequel available:
The Dark Volume by G W Dahlquist
I Thought Glass Books was once of the worse books I've ever read. Surprised it got such a high numbered review from you.
Ah, that's a shame. The whole thing was rather preposterous but I do enjoy a good mad-scientist thriller. Probably won't bother reading the sequel though.
Just wondering at your thoughts regarding Lye Street. I've heard it said Campbell excels at the shorter format and that it was a much better work than his two full lengths. Would you agree?
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