Goodkind meets The Matrix
Richo: What is the Dominatrix?
Morphiddus Morondurr: Not what, who.
R: Who is the Dominatrix?
M: Not is, are.
R: Who are the Dominatrix?
M: They are hot blond chicks in red leather who have ginormous breasts and like to torture you by sticking a stun gun up your ass.
R: Woah.
M: Tell me about it, you should talk to the Orifice.
R: Morphiddus, how do I use my powers?
M: I'm sorry, I can't help you.
R: Can't, or won't?
M: Can't, nobody knows how this shit works because TG is a stupid cunt. Now give it a rest, I'm tired from getting raped last night.
R: What are you trying to tell me, I can dodge arrows?
M: No, what I'm trying to tell you is that when the time comes, you can shoot them out of the air or catch them.
R: Explain to me again about agents
M: Agents follow the keeper, and can be anybody, can take the form of any person. Did you notice the woman in the red outfit?
R: You mean Cara?
M: Shoot bad example.
- word

I absolutely love your fist two jokes in that, but the rest were awful!
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